
All posts are written and authored by Kristy Halvorsen.

Please enjoy the 100% original content.

I am a published author and up for new projects. Contact me with ideas and possibilities.

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A Month in the Wild

A Month in the Wild

Oh Canada! I’ve fallen in love with your Rockies. This story is about delightful new friendships and magnificent nature I stumbled upon during another summer in the land of the maple leaf. On a Sunday morning in late July, I meandered north through Banff National Park...

A Love Story or a Tragedy?

A Love Story or a Tragedy?

This summer I drove from Florida to California for some scheduled repairs and maintenance on Coddi, my Airstream. After two weeks in California, I scurried up to Oregon for more repairs. Some issues were fixed beyond expectation while others left me scratching my...

A Tale of Breaking Free

A Tale of Breaking Free

A Metaphor for LifeWeightless, I feel held, swaddled in a fuzzy cream robe. My toes are free to wiggle about, my long auburn curls free to bob, my soul free to fly, eyes soft, cheeks gold and smooth as porcelain. Not a pain, not a worry or regret. Shoulders nimble,...

Adventure of a Lifetime

Adventure of a Lifetime

2023 was the most adventurous year of my life. This blog is a reader’s digest version; the full length version is in the works. Strap in tight, it’s a wild ride. January 2023 kicked off with me getting kicked out of the nest. Mom begged me to hit the road again,...

Dear Nature

Dear Nature

Each morning I venture out from my home on wheels, through a pre-dawn preserve, onto a boardwalk over sprawling dunes, and down onto a sugar sand shore. Each morning is unique, This is the inspiration for this poem.   Dear Nature Gentle, resilient, elegant, and...

A Gift Lifetimes in the Making

A Gift Lifetimes in the Making

I was in eighth grade eating lunch alone, near the end of a long table. A woman sat down across from me, a few feet to my right. She looked straight ahead. Her dark hair was a bit shiny, rather curly and just long enough to frame her honey almond cheeks. I did not...

My Life in a Nutshell

My Life in a Nutshell

“You wanna go swimming?” my friend Jill said. We were dressed in layers with jackets and pants rolled up to our shins. Our bare feet were crusted in sand. Jagged pewter cliffs towered to my right and the Atlantic churned to my left. It was 2pm and, for as far as I...

Expedition 51º: One of the Last Untouched Frontiers

Expedition 51º: One of the Last Untouched Frontiers

I sat on stony moss-covered ground and gazed at a pastel sunless sky, jagged mountain tops, and a glassy bay. My back was against a cold rock face—just beyond my feet, a patch of fuchsia fireweed stood straight and still, and mosquitos buzzed against the netting...

Live Into Your Brilliance Podcast

Live Into Your Brilliance Podcast

Here is my new favorite podcast interview. Take a listen to a conversation with the dynamic duo of Al and Bilos. I share several of the most profound Ah-ha moments I’ve realized along my six year nomadic journey, many I’ve yet to share publicly. Listen to the podcast...

Linger at the Edge . . . Or Let Go

Linger at the Edge . . . Or Let Go

“Nice rig!” a guy said through his truck window. We sat side by side at a red light in a quaint small town. Red brick buildings lined the main drag, bright-colored flower baskets hung from light posts, and the scent of yeasty bread browning wafted through my open...

Wake-Up Call

Wake-Up Call

“Hellooo in there,” a man’s voice hollered from outside. I was snuggled up under the covers in my Airstream. Soft honey morning light dripped in around the edges of my closed window shades. I was boondocking (living off grid without power or running water) in the...

A Surprise and a Confession

A Surprise and a Confession

January 2022 kicked off in north Florida with several winter excursions on the horizon. The first was a trip to Pensacola with my friend Jack. We facilitated two workshops at Gulf Breeze Recovery Center and camped at Gulf Islands National Seashore, where we enjoyed...



LOST I hike alone deep in a Michigan forest.Light shines down through tangledbranches. The next trail blazeis all I have to point the way. Coyotes cry. Then quiet.Frosty breath ebbs and flows.It’s too soon for cold,too late for warm. The trail fades into leaves. I’m...

Waking Up from Reasonable

Waking Up from Reasonable

"He left. He’s gone. He’s dead. Imagine he’s dead,” Mom said. I sat on my carpeted floor, naked except for panties, slumped back against my unmade bed. My bare legs splayed out in front of me like a dried up wishbone ready to be pulled. My phone laid face up in the...

What a Gift

What a Gift

“Oh my goodness,” Mom said in a whisper. She stopped mid stride and stood bolt upright like a toy soldier, but with her mittened fingers pressed against her mouth. Her eyes welled up as she took in the view of endless hills topped with autumn colored cotton candy as...

I Sleep in a Dream

I Sleep in a Dream

I stood on top of a Native American Temple Mound with my friend Jack. He wore a tattered Boston ball cap and looked toward an interpretive sign. The sign pictured Indigenous people in the year 1300 as they climbed up the same wooden stairs we had just used to hike to...

No More What Ifs

No More What Ifs

As bits of the hard exterior fall away I get closer to the essence of who I am.Mom and I hopped out of my truck and squealed like excited schoolgirls as we took in the views. We inspected the scenic nook on the banks of the Snake River that we’d soon claim as home. We...

It’s About Life

It’s About Life

I’ve come to a realization. For me to want anything different from what’s here in front of me, right now, is a version of greed. Even wanting to go deeper, to feel more, to be more, to see more, seems silly. I’ve got food on my plate, clothes on my back and air flows...

Through Eyes of Innocence

Through Eyes of Innocence

by Kristy Halvorsen   April 10, 2022Last week I saw a request for prayers on social media. A friend shared a heartfelt post about her granddaughter, let’s call her “Gracie”. This sweet soul, who turns two in about three weeks, has been under a doctor’s care for most...

Let Go

Let Go

by Kristy Halvorsen   March 26, 2022The last couple of months before I became a nomad were a whirlwind. Everything happened so quick that I didn’t have a chance to catch my breath. It was as if the universe knew all the wonderful things ahead, knew I needed to let go,...



by Kristy Halvorsen   February 14, 2022Remember A Short Poem: I will never know what will be. There is delicious enjoyment remembering this. I forget. Then I remember. …And repeat.   Sunrise Over Jenny Lake in the Tetons. The water ablaze, the sky on fire, the...

2021 And The Inside Scoop

2021 And The Inside Scoop

By Kristy Halvorsen | January 22, 2022Strange but true: this is my first share anywhere in 2022. Life feels like it’s begging for another new beginning. More than ever, I want to fall into the fresh and new, shine a light on wonder, and foster everyday curiosity that...

Remembering Dad

Remembering Dad

The Halvorsen’s lost a big part of our family on December 1st, my Dad, also a husband, brother, uncle, poppy, grandpa, cousin and friend. A beautiful string of events allowed family and friends to be together on November 20th for my step-mom’s 70th birthday party. I...

A Travel Triumph and More

A Travel Triumph and More

Thursday I drove in the dark towards my last of the 50 states on a two lane country road. Red lights pulsed all at once in random spots as far as I could see stretching miles and miles left to right. Every couple seconds the red lights pulsed in unison again. What a...

Under The Noise Podcast: A Perfect Unfolding

Under The Noise Podcast: A Perfect Unfolding

“And that glimpse, that is all it took to know, ‘Ok, I can just live. And I can open each box, each moment.’” -Kristy Halvorsen This week Wyn & Kate spend time with coach and “coddiwompler”, Kristy Halvorsen. She describes her journey from fighting fires to...

Where The Romance Of My Life Began

Where The Romance Of My Life Began

I lie on my back in crisp grass. My pillow is a flat rock that once served as a foundation block for Theodore Roosevelt’s North Dakota ranch. I drove almost two hours through prairies, oceans of rolling hills with wavy hay, and spiky cliffs striped with bands of...

Openness, Noticing and Enjoying The Game

Openness, Noticing and Enjoying The Game

My heart melts remembering the soft and significant embrace of chance connections. Yesterday I met a woman leaning against a post at a trail entrance. As I passed she asked me where the trail went and an hour later we were still there talking about nothing and...

Still Going

Still Going

Seven years ago on March 17, 2014 my world came to a screeching halt and fell into a million pieces. I cried like I had never cried before. I had just parked for a meeting in Sarasota, Florida. As I opened the door my phone rang, it was mom. That morning she had sharp...

Driving Off

Driving Off

I drove off. I left. I said goodbye to who I was. I shed misunderstandings I didn’t know were wrong. For months, maybe more than a year, I thought I made the biggest mistake of my life. A heart wrenching feeling of lostness filled my soul. I wanted to go back, but it...

The Pathless Journey

The Pathless Journey

I write this sitting in my Airstream trailer with the slow pitter patter of rain drops on the aluminum roof. The sound reminds me of a steal drum, but played at 1/20th speed: random notes dropped perfectly from the heavens. My bedroom window is less than 20 feet from...

Hope and Uncertainty

Hope and Uncertainty

The last several months have been extremely challenging for my family: Dementia/Alzheimer’s, misunderstandings, mental hospitals, police, cancer, homelessness, helplessness, guilt, anger, sadness … and lots of love. The pandemic has been a recent cherry on top of it...

Our Intelligent Pilgrimage

Our Intelligent Pilgrimage

“I would rather have trustworthy and satisfying answers to these questions than all the gold in the Indies. To know—not to believe, not to hope, not to have faith, but to know that the universe is friendly, that our feet are set on and intelligent pilgrimage, and that...

Reflections on Creativity and Life

Reflections on Creativity and Life

This Thanksgiving, I drove to Santa Fe, New Mexico, a historic town that was lightly dusted with fresh blanket of snow. I walked the picturesque streets in awe while snowflakes floated in the crisp air. As so often happens when coddiwompling, on my way back to my...

Limits of Imagination

Limits of Imagination

For the past few weeks I’ve been in Florida visiting friends, family and even my old house. It’s been nearly two years since I sold most of my stuff and drove away from the life I once had. Sitting in front of the place that used to be home felt peaceful: I could...

Life Is.

Life Is.

  I’m writing this bundled up in a hammock on a cliff-side perch above a crystal clear fast flowing river far out in the wilderness. Civilization is at least a half hour drive away, I have no shelter other than trees towering above and I am the only human here....

The Knowing…

The Knowing…

In the silence of a new day being born, I sit on a lakeside perch under a layer of clouds lying low like a warm blanket covering us. “Us” meaning all of us: the lake, the trees, the bases of the mountains in the distance, the birds, the buzzing and curious bugs that...

Kindness in the Forest

Kindness in the Forest

As I live like a leaf gleefully tossed about in the breeze I notice more and more how kindness is who we are. There is something about helping that is us being us. There’s been a shift: in the previous sentence I initially wrote “There is something about helping...

Unpredict Your Journey #UHM19

Unpredict Your Journey #UHM19

What might be possible if you unpredicted your journey? Many people wonder what that means. Simply put it means being open to all possibilities and not trying to forecast where you might be in the future or how you will get there. I keep thinking I understand fully...

The Ultimate Coddiwomple

The Ultimate Coddiwomple

Life has changed. Better put: My understanding of life has changed and my experience will never be the same. Life just is and it always has been. Everything can be the Ultimate Coddiwomple… What might yours be? Tomorrow I am flying to Prague, Czech Republic. Crazy as...

Are we trying too hard?

Are we trying too hard?

While on a long hike to a monarch butterfly breading ground in the mountains of south central Mexico there was so much seen beyond the beautiful butterflies. From a profound Truth expressed by an eleven year old, to an experience of seeing everything (and realizing...

Simplicity of Coddiwompling

Simplicity of Coddiwompling

Coddiwompling is simple: So simple a puppy can do it, so simple a kid can do it, so simple that you can do it. Notice the carefree contented nature of puppies and little kids. They are master Coddiwomplers. They do what comes naturally and feels fun. No puppy ever...

Openness and Curiosity

Openness and Curiosity

Watching the dark waters of the Suwannee River turn shimmering orange as the sun rose over the cypress trees during Easter Sunday Sunrise Service is my first memory of church. There wasn’t a stop light in the tiny town, but there was a little church with long wooden...

Trusting the Equipment

Trusting the Equipment

A few weeks ago I went on an awesome treetop adventure course, climbing, tightrope walking, and zip-lining more than sixty feet off the ground. To make it all the way through the course without falling required a combination of balance, strength and creativity....

The Paradox of Difficultness

The Paradox of Difficultness

In the last week, the subject of "difficult" has come up several times in different contexts... here are some thoughts. I'd love to hear yours too! Leave your thoughts, ideas, or musings in the comments below. Difficult... Nothing can be difficult and everything can...

The New Year’s Resolution that Changes Everything… No Goals Required

The New Year’s Resolution that Changes Everything… No Goals Required

It’s January and that means it’s time to clarify your goals and make your new year’s resolutions! …Right? What if there is a simpler way to start off 2019 and REALLY enjoy the year ahead? 2018 was the first year in several decades that I had no concrete goals. Instead...

The Raven, the Messenger, and the Grand Misunderstanding

The Raven, the Messenger, and the Grand Misunderstanding

The Raven On a crisp morning deep in the White Mountain Wilderness of New Mexico, I stepped from my warm trailer in to the silent stillness of a brand new day. I was one of only a handful of people for miles and miles. Within seconds of stepping down on to the dry...

Roxann: My Angel Next Door

Roxann: My Angel Next Door

The Day I Knocked on a Neighbor’s Door and Cried I was in Texas… Sitting alone in my Airstream trailer, feeling very low, and wondering why I chose to leave my friends and family and sell almost all of my belongings to wander the world by myself. In that moment all I...

Love is Love

Love is Love

In 2006 at around 2:00am I walked into the firehouse after a medical call. Everyone was asleep except me and Randy, my EMT on the ambulance. I went straight to a small office where the computer was and sat down. Randy followed. Only the clicking of my fingers on the...

It Only Takes One

It Only Takes One

Not long ago I was engaged in an argument that could have derailed many friendships. Thankfully it didn't, but I did find myself boiling and swearing under my breath. Shortly after the argument (and while the disdain was still fresh) I began wondering how I could let...

Waiting and Falling in Love with “I Don’t Know”

Waiting and Falling in Love with “I Don’t Know”

Do you enjoy waiting? Truth be told, it’s probably tough to find someone who wakes up each morning thinking “I can’t wait to wait today!” Then again, Heinz and Guinness both profess: “Good Things Come to Those Who Wait.” Yesterday I had a bit of an “Ah HA!” moment...

A Different Take on Trust

A Different Take on Trust

As I write this I am sitting in the backseat of a Toyota listening to the Beatles with three Slovenians who I don’t know. I am hitchhiking! The couple in the front told me their names, but I just nodded and smiled. Don, a fellow hitchhiker, is in the back with me....

Unpredict Your Journey

Unpredict Your Journey

This morning on a flight to London I realized the last time I flew over the Atlantic was in 1999. How things have changed! To fund that trip I worked for the Department of Environmental Protection researching and writing short “bios” for all of the waterways in south...

Going Home

Going Home

This week I am in Los Angeles with an outstanding group of coaches from around the world. We are here together seeing, sharing, experiencing, and learning about deepening our understanding and intensifying impact. The more meaningful our coaching is to our clients,...

An Ordinary Hike to an Extraordinary View

An Ordinary Hike to an Extraordinary View

While on this Grand Adventure I have met so many people that have become like family, although there have been many times where I felt very alone. In just three short months I have “seen” so much- with my eyes and with my heart. Right now I am in New Mexico and I know...

Connection: Bridging the Gap Between Misunderstanding and Love

Connection: Bridging the Gap Between Misunderstanding and Love

If you haven’t visited Venice Beach, California- it’s a special place. Along the Venice Boardwalk there are many street vendors and most of them are “Home Free.” Home free being what most would call “homeless.” While the residents here might not have a brick and...

Your Year of Possibilities

Your Year of Possibilities

There is so much talk this time of year about goals for “2018.” I used to do that too, but I had realization that there is a MUCH better way.  Read on for an entirely different, more dynamic, and prosperous view on “goals" ... and discover how a lasso relates to these...

Experiences: The Greatest of all Gifts

Experiences: The Greatest of all Gifts

This time of year brings about an abundance of gift giving, although giving gifts is something we do year round. The thoughts and ideas in this article are applicable in all gifting circumstances, no matter how unique of common the occasion. This holiday season has...

New Beginnings

New Beginnings

Tomorrow, Thursday November 30th 2017, I shift into a new way of living: Life untethered, living on the road full-time in my Airstream trailer.  95% of the time I am very excited and 5% of the time I wonder what the heck I am doing. The truth is: I don’t know what I...

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Part 2

What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Part 2

Your Potential… Most people consistently make decisions based on intellect. The majority of people also don’t get close to living up to their potential. Do you worry about not reaching your full potential? Maybe you are concerned about your loved ones or your team not...

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

Find out what people who thrive do, when they don't know what to do. Last week I facilitated an inspiring discussion with a large group of entrepreneurs about trusting your gut and developing your intuition for sustained success. People had great realizations and...

Catch Some Wind, Be the Wind, Enjoy the Ride

Catch Some Wind, Be the Wind, Enjoy the Ride

For Jim’s birthday I planned to take him sailing. The day came and the weather was rough, so rough there was only one guy that would rent us boat in Southwest Florida. We drove down and set sail in a 16’ Hobie Cat. Thankfully Jim is a very experienced sailor; still,...

Employ Fire as a Useful Friend

Employ Fire as a Useful Friend

Last month we had a significant forest fire in North Port, FL that engulfed more than 4500 acres. It flared up on a blustery Saturday afternoon in the midst of a substantial drought. Forest fires are common this time of year and we are used to putting them out. There...

How to Make the Most of Your Time- The Easy Way

How to Make the Most of Your Time- The Easy Way

Time. On one hand, it seems a limitless resource and on the other, it appears as if there is never enough.  How do you value and make the most of your time? What if you saw someone burning money (literally), buying frivolous things, or otherwise foolishly wasting...

Part 2: From Overwhelm to Clarity, Creativity, and Calm

Part 2: From Overwhelm to Clarity, Creativity, and Calm

In Part 1 we explored ways to calm the feeling of overwhelm, making a master list is one tactic. There are many other tactics that may help us prioritize our lives around what we want to create in the world. Now, in Part 2, we will explore the effect that state of...

Part 1: Overwhelm- Choose to Change

Part 1: Overwhelm- Choose to Change

What if “stress” or feeling overwhelmed wasn’t a problem at all? What if overwhelm was merely an intrinsic message—your inner wisdom suggesting a change? Though feeling overwhelmed often feels like quicksand (the more we try to escape, the more we sink in) it may be...

Feeling Lucky? How to Create Your Own Luck

Feeling Lucky? How to Create Your Own Luck

Why is it that some people seem to be so lucky? Do you believe in luck… is it real? In the spirit of St. Patrick ’s Day and the luck of the Irish I have been mulling around the idea of “luck.” Some people seem to be so lucky—they have the best experiences and are in...

Insightful Surprises from the Big Adventure

Insightful Surprises from the Big Adventure

On a whim, Jim and I went on an adventure.  It was unplanned, spur of the moment, and  life changing. Numerous events culminated perfectly to allow this adventure to be a possibility--some were awesome surprises and some initially appeared to be huge letdowns. We...

Gifts: Giving, Being, Noticing

Gifts: Giving, Being, Noticing

Gifts—what comes to mind? “Gift” has so many meanings and each one of us has a slightly different interpretation.  Before reading further, take a moment to note what thoughts the word “Gifts” brings up within you- there is no right or wrong answer. Alright, now let’s...

Gratitude: The Secret Ingredient

Gratitude: The Secret Ingredient

This weekend, my sister Tracy and I were surprised at lunch with a delicious Thai coconut soup. The soup was pure bliss in a bowl and it looked superbly simple. Wanting to replicate the deliciousness in my own kitchen, I asked the manager what the ingredients were. He...

Achieve Your Goals AND Enjoy your Journey

Achieve Your Goals AND Enjoy your Journey

We all have things we want to be. Or do. Or achieve. In going after what you want, do you consider sacrificing present happiness for future bliss? This is often the case, but there is a better way! What is the secret to achieving your goals AND enjoying the journey?...

The Wind Is Your Friend

The Wind Is Your Friend

Often, the most valuable outcomes in life come from experiencing challenges and prevailing. Even though we inherently know challenges make us stronger, why do so many people have the tendency to quit when things get tough? What if the breakthrough was right around the...

The Secret of Yourevolution

The Secret of Yourevolution

Yourevolution- You have done it countless times. Each time is different, but also the same. Fully engaging in the process is vital to creating an amazing future.  How will you make the most of your next opportunity? The idea of the word, Yourevolution, first appeared...

Header photo: Rainbow Over Lake Superior (2021) Upper Peninsula, Michigan, USA