Waking up to a Deeper Dimension of OurselvesCoddiwompling
Coddiwompling is an opening and a welcoming, and living beyond the beliefs we have about ourselves, life, and what is possible.
Coddiwompling is simple, it’s play.
The more we open up and head in a direction without the constraints of what we think is possible, the more we come alive and the unimaginable happens.
Coddiwompling is so natural anyone can do it. Highly productive and successful organizations coddiwomple and children coddiwomple just the same.
How? Take one step and think no further. Then repeat.
Many people have asked: “What about planning?”
When you know to plan, then plan. There is a difference in the feeling of between being drawn to plan, and planning because of fear or a belief that I must plan. Look. Notice. Feel. There is an invitation for deep exploration here.
We have all Coddiwompled: when we were very young we only knew how to coddiwomple. Notice the laughter and giddiness of small children. This is what is on offer, but in a package that has the possibility to change the world.
A light, peaceful relationship with being and a life of possibility is waiting just under the surface for all of us. Exploring from a lens of curiosity and wonder wakes us up to a deeper dimension of ourselves.
If you are at all curious let’s have a conversation.
If you are interested in more about coddiwompling, here is a short blog that walks you through a three minute coddiwomple experiment: Simplicity of Coddiwompling

Meet Kristy
In 2017 I sold my house and almost everything I owned, left my career as a Lieutenant firefighter/paramedic, and hit the open road in my Airstream trailer.
Without intending to, I set off on a modern day walkabout.
It wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies. After a few months of wandering, I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life. But alone in deserts, deep in forests, and high on mountain tops I began to see profound truths about life. While traveling internationally I fell into many different cultures, lived with locals, and experienced deep connections with people, some of whom I couldn’t even speak to with words.
So much has shifted and changed since I left “normal life.” Quietness fills my soul most of the time. Worry, regret, stress, and fear have vanished. I live and work intuitively, explore, share meals and conversations with new friends all over the globe, and be wherever I am and with whoever I’m with.
I get why we, as humans, do what we do… and I can see beyond misunderstandings of the mind. I’m passionate about waking people up to what is possible and pointing towards universally applicable truths. Once truth is seen and then known, life improves instantly.
The rest of the story:
I grew up as an active kid that loved the outdoors and played just about any sport. University was a fun mix of being a serious student and a determined division-1 athlete. I finished up with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, a minor in business and earned Florida Atlantic University’s “Student Athlete of the Year” honor twice.
My professional career began in the corporate world as a structural analyst, but my passion was moonlighting as a volunteer firefighter whenever I wasn’t at my day job—and I LOVED it. At the ripe old age of 24 I followed my heart and traded in my engineering desk for a firetruck. Fourteen years as a firefighter/paramedic never felt like work. As a rookie firefighter I founded a non-profit community service organization and then quickly rose up the ranks to Lieutenant, where I led emergency teams in thousands of high stress situations.
With a longtime fondness for psychology and philosophy, I eventually followed the tickles of my soul again and went back to college to become a certified coach. The pull to leave the fire service to help people live simpler, happier lives was strong. Pair this with my dream to live and explore in complete freedom, and the crazy idea of wandering while coaching people all over the world was born. My dream became a reality in 2017 when I hit the open road.
In March of 2019 I realized: we are all living in the midst of the perfect unfolding of life, even when things don’t seem perfect in the moment; knowing and connection are innate; and all I have to do the rest of my life is live. Now my biggest joy is pointing people to see this in themselves.
On this crazy amazing journey I’ve seen more than I dreamed, met thousands of gorgeous people, had innumerable deep conversations about life and living, and continue to be humbled by humanity.
Lieutenant Firefighter/Paramedic (retired)
My Airstream in Crested Butte, Colorado
Hiking the Tetons with Mom
With Friends in Querétaro, Mexico
That’s a wrap! With my crew after the last fire of my career in November of 2017
My Home on Wheels
Creekside Conversation in Colorado
Picnic in Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada
At the Summit of Broken Top Mountian, Oregon
On Stage at a Conference in Prague, Czech Republic
Minutes before a 1.5 mile swim across the mouth of the Peace River
Traveling by Train Through Transylvania
Wildland Frefighting in Montana
Header Photo: Sunrise from the Highline Trail (2021) Glacier National Park, Montana, USA