by Kristy Halvorsen   February 14, 2022

Grand Teton Sunrise



A Short Poem:

I will never know what will be.

There is delicious enjoyment remembering this.

I forget.

Then I remember.

…And repeat.


Sunrise Over Jenny Lake in the Tetons. The water ablaze, the sky on fire, the jagged peaks painted pink, the carin: a living statue taking it all in.

I snapped the first photo and then pivoted left to capture a panoramic. As I inched the camera to the right, there was my mom- and I thought she ruined my photo.

“Come on Mom, now you’re in the picture,” I said.

She stepped back and I started from the left again.

I had no idea.

I had no idea that in a span of a few seconds mom and I together had captured an entire story in photos.

I had no idea that she had taken a photo of me taking a photo and then I took a photo of her taking that photo.

Grand Teton Sunrise
Kristy at Jenny Lake Sunrise
Remember Jenny Lake

I had no idea how perfect it all was until later at camp mom and I shared our photos from the day and found the triple photo story.

**note: the second panoramic, was blah and was deleted.

Then for Christmas my sister-in-law, Sarah, had the great idea of gifting a canvas print to Mom to hang in her dining room. I sent Sarah at least 10 photo options. Sarah and my niece chose Sunrise Over Jenny Lake.

Mom loved the gift. She instantly remembered the triple photo story from that morning (the other two photos never crossed my mind).

Mom ordered the two other prints, framed them and now the entire story and three views of the same moment hang on her dining room wall.

Remember Jenny Lake

The moment lives in infamy. If you ever visit my mom, she will show you these three photos within minutes of stepping in the front door, and give you a play by play of how it all happened.

I had no idea.

I never do, ever



I will never know what will be.

There is delicious enjoyment remembering this.

I forget.

Then I remember.

…And repeat.


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