One On One Exploring
For You
Find yourself. Enjoy Life. Experience peace and well-being. Deepen Relationships. Roll with the punches. Trust. Drop all worry & regret. Thrive.
Be Your True Self
For Your Business/Work
Delight in work. Be resilient. Realize your unique insights. Flourish with simplicity and focus. Do more, with ease. Fear less. Experience Success.
Love What You Do
For Leaders
Innovate. Find clarity. Get out of your head and into flow. Wake people up. Vanish issues. Foster relationships. Do less & boost performance. Relax.
Be an Unscripted Leader
For Helpers
Deepen your understanding. Point from grace. Expand impact. Thrive Organically. Hear beyond what is said. Grow agenda-free. Prosper.
Uncover the brilliance of humanity
Guide – Coach – Mentor
There is a part of me that doesn’t want to label what I do “coaching”. Truth is: There isn’t a single word to describe what happens. We explore. We discuss everyday occurrences in a very unique way. We see fresh. Just as a tour guide can point out special things you would have never seen on your own: I listen, point, inquire and invite.
Through the years I have worked with business owners, fire chiefs, career professionals, retirees, federal investigators, new coaches, writers, executives, artists, sales people, realtors, medical professionals, actors, investors, therapists, full time mom’s, yogis, models, students, and more. The common thread with everyone has been an exploration into a deeper understanding of ourselves and how our mind works. With this understanding comes a trust in our innate intelligence and an awareness of how simple everything in life can be. Natural well-being takes center stage. We relax and get creative. Happiness and contentment blossom, and success follows.
What happens?
How you interact with everything changes. The specifics are different for everyone, but the overall effect is: Your mind gets much quieter, you become more yourself, creativity blossoms, you play more, and life gets super simple. Surprising things happen when live in this space.
What are the logistics?
Engagements are custom designed and contain a combination of: In-person or zoom immersions, explorations, projects, regular conversations and unlimited text and email support. After getting to know each other, and then having a discovery session together: you and I create a program specifically for you.
What are the commitments?
Show up, be open, and live your life. Our focus is on you and what you are up to in the world. Many people think this will be hard work and take up more of your time and energy; it’s actually the opposite. Our aim is to simplify everything and enjoy the journey. Soon people find they have even more time and energy to do the things they love. This isn’t grad school—there’s no grueling “homework” or term papers. Rest assured; if you are open to the possibilities, simplicity follows.
How long does it take to see results? Does it always "work"?
After one session there is a high probability you’ll experience shifts. Once we’ve had our multi-day immersion, significant changes will be settling in.
-Most people find more than they were expecting and reach a wonderful tipping point between six months and year. At that point we may stop having regular sessions or just meet once a month or create something new together.
-Every client who’s completed a full year with me has been happy they did and their experience of life has changed dramatically for the better.
-A few have stopped before we made it to the place where they got all they were looking for.
-Some have found all they wanted after a handful of sessions.
-Some continue exploring beyond a year.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone, and it isn’t for everyone. Sometimes the first time I speak with someone it isn’t for them, but at some point later they return and it is. There’s more to this question, come see. Let’s have a conversation.
What Makes a Transformative Coach Unique?
Traditional Coach
You come to your coach with goals, dreams, problems or limiting beliefs. They help you create a plan, hold you accountable, and use tools and techniques to get past your pesky limiters and propel you into productivity. You (hopefully) reach what you want to achieve. Maybe you go on to the next goal, or maybe you go on your merry way.
Transformative Coach
You come with goals, dreams, and/or the things that seem to be in your way. Together we explore a whole new way of being and understanding life. Worry, stress, regret, and confusion melt away. You trust yourself. What you want becomes more and more clear. The need to use will power to get things done melts away. Play takes center stage. Life is more fun. You get more done. Your entire experience of the world changes for the better and you come alive. You see through imagined and conditioned limitations and life gets stupid simple. You gain an easier, more efficient and massively more enjoyable way of being in the world. You are forever changed
Alan’s Experience

“I always thought there was something out there I needed to find…
I’ve become more at ease with life, to let it unfold before my eyes and see myself more clearly…
Kristy’s superpower is her ability to make you totally comfortable with looking in directions you may not normally have looked, and to do it with a smile on your face… it feels like a gift that washes over you.”
While on a walk in the Scottish countryside, Alan stopped to film this two minute description of what he has experienced through exploring together. Not long ago he was a very successful leader and General Manager a large cyber security corporation. His dream was to become more connected with life, himself and the world around him… and to spend more time with his family. He is enjoying being his own boss, he’s traveling and exploring, has lots of quality time with his wife and two boys, and enjoys quite a successful private practice guiding leaders into finding their own brilliance.
What if Your World Could Shift in a Matter of Days?
As the kick-off for our exploration together, we will be in conversation three to four times over three consecutive days. A solid foundation is formed when we dive deep together right at the beginning. In just a few days, people can arrive at an understanding that might have taken four to six months.
Clients have described the three day coaching immersion as a reset for life.
Does the Immersion Have to Occur Over a Three Day Period?
There are no hard and fast rules. I’ve found the multi day format works best, but we can shift the timing to fit your schedule. We have the freedom to create what is perfect for you.
How do I learn more?
The best way to get a feel for the value and benefits of exploring together is to experience it for yourself.
If you are ready to take the first step, I am ready to join you!
Very simply, here is how it works:
Book a Discovery Session
We will have a short conversation (usually about 30 minutes) to get to know each other and then schedule a 90 minute session.
We Explore and See More
After your first session you’ll likely already notice shifts. If it feels right, we’ll set up a plan together for a three-day immersion experience and regular ongoing exploration
Go Live Your Life!
In the months ahead, you get to come alive to a deeper dimensions of yourself and experience: Less stress, pressure, and worry; Seemingly effortless levels of higher performance; A whole new understanding of confidence, security and freedom; More fun, creativity and peace.
Are You Curious?
Whether you are curious about life, wondering about anything mentioned on this site, or if you are curious about what it might be like to explore together: Let’s have a conversation.
1- Out to Sea (2020) Guilford, Connecticut, USA
2- North Shore of Lake Superior (2021) Minnesota, USA
3- Sunrise over Jenny Lake (2021) Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA