In the openness I often get sucked in, attracted to people like water droplets gathering on a window pane in a spring drizzle. Last evening I was practicing chip shots at a small town golf course when I noticed a man noticing me. He watched me from a distance for at least 30 minutes and as I was heading out to the driving range he walked over to greet me and drew me right in.
Like a father or a loving uncle he shared and held and guided me: First about golf swings and tempo; then the game; and then about how being a “tall young female that looks nicer than most golfers” I will likely attract lots of advice from old guys like him. The more I listened, the more I realized an angel was before me who was sharing about more than just golf.
“Notice the trees and the wind and the changing textures of grass. Notice the artistry in every hole. Realize in every moment, everything you see is someone’s creation.” He said.
We were standing alone behind the clubhouse. He was grilling steaks and the more passionate he became, the more his grill fork danced poignantly like a conductor’s stick perched in his right hand. The setting sun spotlighted a tiny Hawaiian hula girl on the windowsill next to us, her shadow stretched long and her body still. The evening’s fading oranges and reds also brought to light the smile lines around my new friend’s eyes. His mouth was almost hidden beneath a bushy gray mustache. He was wearing an old faded, once navy blue, sweatshirt with a fire department emblem on the chest and blue jeans that were so shabby they were gray. He felt like so many of my friends. He felt like firehouse pranks and late nights around the dinner table after tough calls. He felt like home. His gruff demeanor and thick Boston accent were just a harmless crust over a heart bursting with love.
My mouth watered as the flavor of his steak filled my nose, just as the love in his heart filled my soul. The more he shared the more it felt like he was there to remind me, in a special way, to enjoy the game… The Big Game.
“Be thankful as you walk each fairway. You are going to play golf in the most beautiful places all over the country… I bet all over the world too. Notice the creativity, care and attention that has gone into it all.” He said.
Looking over his shoulder I could see straight down the fairway and I saw it in a way I had never seen before. This was someone’s creation, someone’s dream, someone’s imagination turned into reality. This is a work of art. Someone carefully thought out each bend and slope and tree. All of this is a gift to enjoy.
My heart swelled realizing this and seeing the course and The Game so differently. What a sharing of love and an act of kindness that I will always carry with me… and has changed everything forever.
The more open I am, the more I realize angels are everywhere… And sometimes they hide their wings under old scruffy sweatshirts and wave greasy grill forks.
This article was also featured on Thrive Global
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There is so much to explore… which journey tickles your soul?
Coaching is a space of deep personal exploration. I cannot begin to express the impact that this journey of discovery has had in my life. To say it has changed everything would be an understatement. The same is available for you. Curious? Let’s have a short conversation– you’ll know and if it feels right, we’ll begin.
This two minute clip is worth a listen.
In the last few minutes of a recent Coddiwomple Group Session we were chatting about what to explore next week. An idea popped up to explore: “What is Home?” Then Jason shared a touching story that stopped us all in our tracks and sent us giggling off in a new direction.
The next Coddiwomple Group Program begins on June 3rd and this program continues to be one of the most special spaces in my work and life. The joy, freedom and depth of exploration we share is easily heard in the video above. Here is a quote from a current group member: “There is always a special energy in this exploration no matter who is there… there is no expectations and nothing is right or wrong. But I also see new and clearer on so many bits of life we touch on.”
For more info or to register: Coddiwomple Group Program