Podcast Interview With Kristy
Here is my new favorite podcast interview. Take a listen to a conversation with the dynamic duo of Al and Bilos. I share several of the most profound Ah-ha moments I’ve realized along my six year nomadic journey, many I’ve yet to share publicly.
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A few things we touch on:
- What’s the best news we’ve ever heard.
- Illusions we’ve blown up.
- The perfect unfolding.
- Being surprised by life.
- Goals are a place to come from, notof a place to get to.
- Giving up on the idea that something is ours to make happen.
- Our job- to let go of resisting.
- Experiencing the giddiness that comes with fearlessness.

Would you like to live at ease and watch your stress melt away? Through one on one mentoring and coaching, you’ll realize more freedom, contentment, confidence, creativity… problems fade and decisions become a breeze. Curious? Send me an email and let’s have a conversation.
My next small group exploration begins on September 11th. We inquire together with no expectation to ‘get something’. Yet, it is guaranteed you will get something… and your experience of life will shift as we dabble in the unknown with curiosity and wonder. We meet weekly live on zoom. The group usually sells out well before the start. For more info and to book your spot: Coddiwomple Group Program
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