While on this Grand Adventure I have met so many people that have become like family, although there have been many times where I felt very alone. In just three short months I have “seen” so much- with my eyes and with my heart. Right now I am in New Mexico and I know why it is called “The Land of Enchantment,” I too have been enchanted. Some of my experiences seem too deep to put in to words. The one I share with you today will hopefully spark something within you—it’s a story about awareness, the journey, the destinations, togetherness, and how each and every moment in life counts… it’s a story that begs the question: Where are you headed?
One evening last week, on the spur of the moment, I set out on a hike to see petroglyphs. I began just before sunset and I wondered if I was too late to see it all. Little did I know I was about to see everything. The walk began at the desert floor and meandered up rocky hills covered with boulders which were plastered with ancient art. Roughly halfway to the top of the hill the sun had set, but there was plenty of light so I kept ascending.
Near the top, I found myself sitting on a boulder that was perfectly perched facing due west on the rocky hillside with the most amazing panorama of the desert. My view was framed by the distant dark silhouettes of the towering mountain ridges that were backlit with the magnificent deep oranges, reds, and purples of a jaw dropping sunset. Up above were the twinkles of far off stars brightening in the new night’s sky. To my back, left, and right were more tall boulders decorated with ancient graffiti- beautiful petroglyphs. It was as if I was in a skybox watching the setting sun put on a show while being surrounded on all sides by thousand year old photo albums: animals, star bursts, geometric shapes, faces, arrows… beauty.

My view of the desert sunset
In that beautiful moment I realized every instance of my life had brought me to this specific space. There I was, basking in the splendid beauty of nature and the cosmos and only a few miles from home. This gorgeous place is my home… it’s everyone’s home. How lucky am I? How blessed am I? How blessed are all of us.
In the next moment I more deeply realized that EVERY instance of my life had brought me to that specific rock sitting next to ancient petroglyphs. My heart filled and emotions followed. In that instant I noticed him- a petroglyph of a man. The man had a face and body and he happened to be perfectly positioned over my left shoulder. It was as if he was watching the show with me… or rather I was watching the show with him. He’s watched thousands of different renditions of this show—every evening, he is there watching and waiting for the beautiful transition from day to night. I wondered about all the people who had joined him throughout the thousands of years. I also wondered about the people who drew him and all the art surrounding us. I could feel their presence, all of our presence.
An epiphany that suddenly hit me was this: I may have been the only person on that hillside, but I was not alone… I have never been alone. None of us are ever alone.
Then I profoundly realized that in order for me to be there watching the gorgeous show and realizing what I was realizing, everything had to happen just the way it did-EVERYTHING in life. Everything being: The amazing, the good, the bad, the hard times, the easy times- every single moment of it. Everything from before birth, to childhood, to adulthood, to the hours and minutes leading up to that moment. There were many things I worked really hard for and there were even more things that “just happened,” almost magically, or rather: miraculously.
At no point had I dreamed I’d be in that glorious space in the desert, but I was and it was astonishing. The everythingness was mind-boggling. I was full, I was happy and in that moment I realized: I am surrounded by love, life, and the magic of the human potential… always. We all are. No beautiful sunset needed… we have access to all of this all the time.

Petroglyph at sunset illuminated by my flashlight
If everything in life ads up to where we are in this one moment, where are you? Where would you like to be? What might be available to create? What are you open to happening?
This moment and every moment count… I am learning more and more that when we thoroughly enjoy the moment, there can’t help but being even more and more amazing moments… it just happens and we don’t have to try.
Enjoy your moments. Get out of the everyday ordinary and into the everyday extraordinary… the fun part is: it’s much simpler than you think to take that first step and keep on walking.
… until the next revolution.
More and more I realize how important it is to have guides on life’s journey… people that love and want the best for me and are able to take an observer’s view… then point towards the beauty and wisdom available in everyday experiences. Even more importantly, my “guides” point me toward the Truth, which has opened unbelievable opportunities for growth, happiness, success… and all the amazingness that has been sitting right there beside me all along. If you are curious about what that is like, I’d love to join you for a “hike” from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Shoot me an email or give me a call- the possibilities are endless and my bet is it is MUCH simpler than you might think. Kristy@yourevolution.com
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What a beautiful way to live thanks for sharing & inspiring all of us
Thanks Jeffy! Hope all is well 🙂
You were in a place and “position” i.e. what you were seeing and smelling,that most people never experience. Kristy,I don’t know where you are spiritually,however when I have been in similar places,I can’t understand how anyone could deny the existence of the source of all that beauty!! The day you were there,the sights,sounds,and smells were created especially for you by our Wonderful and Loving God !!!!!!
That was Your Day,Kristy.
May the Lord richly bless you thru the rest of travels !!!!!
Lovely, John.
I’ll be visiting the old stomping grounds and YES on 3/27, hope to see you there.
Kristy, you are truly inspiring!
… life is. 😊
This is a wonderful place to stand as you sit on the rock
Dr. Henry Cloud in “The Laws of Happiness” states that happy people live in the moment. It’s easy to miss the beauty and majesty of a moment if you are continually looking and thinking ahead to what’s next. I’m working on it. Looks like you have mastered it.
Wow, thanks John… Yes, we are all working on it 🙂