What might be possible if you unpredicted your journey?

Many people wonder what that means. Simply put it means being open to all possibilities and not trying to forecast where you might be in the future or how you will get there. I keep thinking I understand fully the ins and outs of living like this and then life shows me how much more there is to let go of… and how magical it gets when I do.

Last week a friend admiringly shared with me that he was so proud of me for living life outside of societal norms. That is the first time I heard my life described like that and I guess it fits, although that’s not my aim. I have no aim other than to live in the moment and be open to the flow of life.  I wonder what the world would be like if being guided through life by life became the norm?

There is a richness and an indescribable fullness that surfaces when we let life live us. ‘Coddiwomple’ is the word I use to describe living fully immersed with the flow of life. Coddiwompling is letting go of all the thoughts and judgements of how we think life should unfold and instead living fully in each moment.

A Story of Coddiwompling

I had dinner with a high school classmate whose hero is his mom. He described how his mom escaped Vietnam and arrived in Tallahassee, Florida with pretty much nothing but her five young children. She was a single mother who spoke broken English and didn’t have a job, money or a place to live. On her first night in town she found shelter for her family in an abandoned church, went to sleep and woke up the next morning knowing she had to find a way to provide. She left her kids and hopped on the first city bus that came by.

She got off the bus at what happened to be the Florida State Capitol Building. She noticed there were many well-dressed people carrying brief cases that looked very successful. She walked up to a gentleman in a business suit and in broken English asked him how he got to where he is in life. He shared with her that it was through education: studying, going to university and doing very well in school. She thanked him and caught the next bus.

A few stops later she got off the bus again. This time she was at a small strip mall. As she was walking along she passed a laundromat with a ‘For Sale’ sign in the window. She went in and asked questions about owning and running a laundromat. Just across the street was a local bank. She walked in the bank to ask questions and learn about loans. Then she went back to the abandoned church where her five children were.

Long story short, here is what happened: Yen Le was given a loan by the bank she visited that day, bought the same laundromat she saw at the second place she got off the bus, and aimed to help her kids get the best education possible (just like the man in the suit carrying a briefcase).

She owned and ran the laundromat by herself for over thirty years and was loved and adored by her customers and the community. Mamma Le (as her patrons called her) put her heart and soul into helping her customers in unique ways while providing for her family. There were many stories of customers coming back decades later to thank Mamma Le for her love and kindness. Even NFL stars who she helped with their laundry and with life (when they were university students) came back specifically to let Mamma Le know how much she meant to them.

Her five kids were not allowed to help at the laundromat. Each time one of them tried to lend a hand, she would tell them that they had two jobs: to study and sleep.

All of her children have thrived.

When Mamma Le woke up that first morning in an abandoned church in a foreign country she had no idea what do. What she did know was: she wanted to raise her five kids and give them an opportunity to thrive. She coddiwompled. She let life live her and took a bus ride. She unpredicted her journey and little did she know that ride would provide the fertile ground for her and her family to have lives she couldn’t have dreamed of.

UnReal Limitation

We often limit ourselves to a very small world: ‘our’ world, which is usually confined within the boundaries of our memories and imagination (our thoughts). We live inside make-believe limits of what we think is possible, what we think we can create, and what we believe to be true. What’s even crazier is that the chatter in our own head creates this confined reality. Have you ever considered how much energy and creativity could be unleashed inside of you if you never again worried about the future or stressed about your circumstances?

I hadn’t considered this either. Though when I began exploring who I really was and how powerful Thought is, life opened up. The more I let go and unpredict my journey the more simple and fun life becomes. The less I try to figure things out, the more success abounds. Through letting go of any preconceived notion of how my life journey should be, the unimaginable is given the space to flourish.  I often sit in awe at what life continually provides.

Most have heard the saying “go with the flow.” I used to think this was the best way to enjoy life. Now I can see that this isn’t true. We don’t need to go with the flow, we are the flow. Life is like a beautiful river, sometimes gently flowing, sometimes gushing over rocks, and sometimes bursting forth and pouring over massive waterfalls. Through it all, the water that the river is made of is just fine. The river is perfect in every state.

We are the flow, we are the river and we are on the ride of our lives. The only thing that keeps us from enjoying the river of life is the chatter of our thinking and worry. When we surrender to the river, realize we are the flow, know it will always work out (even when we have no idea what “work out” means): it’s a beautiful and exciting ride.

Just ask Mamma Le: She unpredicted her journey and has experienced the unbelievable effect of coddiwompling. She is a natural coddiwompler, just as we all are.

Unpredict your journey, my friends.

Here is a one minute video about Mamma Le’s youngest son, Phuong (my high school classmate and friend):

[su_vimeo url=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/306092985″ width=”400″]


Understanding the Human Mind International Conference, 12-13 June 2019, Bucharest Romania:

On June 13th I’ll be the final speaker at the Understanding the Human Mind Conference in Bucharest Romania. There will be fifteen amazing presenters all pointing to a deeper understanding of the mind. Come join in, I am looking forward to sharing and going in to more depth on the topic of “Unpredicting Your Future.”


Let’s See More Together

When I really considered the life that is possible for each of us individually, I realized one of the best ways to see this is together. There is so much more for each of us to see… so very much. The best part is: what’s available is right here already, we just haven’t seen it yet. When we understand how our mind works and how life works, everything gets simple and amazingly beautiful.

Let’s take a walk together. Come join me and fellow explorers in a radically different (yet simple) ten week exploration that will change everything.

We begin August 20th and the cost is $99.

The first program sold out and the group members have seen and experienced so much together. Might it be the perfect time to Unpredict Your Journey?

Check it out here: Coddiwomple Now Group Program

Unpredict Your Journey


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